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Senin, 14 Februari 2011

Pengayaan UN2011


Causative ‘have’ adalah susunan kalimat yang menggunakan kata ‘have’ untuk
menyatakan perbuatan yang dikerjakan orang lain untuk ‘subject’. Jadi kata ‘have’ di
sini berarti meminta, menyuruh, atau memerintah.

Bentuk-bentuk have:
1. have/has (present), sesuaikan dengan subjectnya
2. had (past)

Jenis Causative have:
1. Untuk Object Aktif : Object melakukan pekerjaan
Subject + have + Obj-aktif + Verb1
(Verb1 sering diartikan: me- / ber- )

I have the man clean the room ------ present
(Saya meminta orang itu membersihkan ruangan)
I = Subject
have = have
the man = obj-aktif
clean = Verb1

She has the man clean the room ------ present
(Dia meminta orang itu membersihkan ruangan)

We had the man clean the room yesterday ------ past
(Kami meminta orang itu membersihkan ruangan kemarin)

􀂷 Penggunaan have (have/has/had)
􀂷 Object Aktif (the man) --- melakukan pekerjaan
􀂷 Untuk memudahkan penerjemahan, Verb1 setelah object,
    diartikan me- / ber-

2. Untuk Object Pasif : Object dikenai pekerjaan / yang dikerjakan
Subject + have + Obj-pasif + Verb3
(Verb3 sering diartikan: di- / ter- )

I have the room cleaned ------ present
(Saya meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan)
I = Subject
have = have
the room = obj-pasif
cleaned = Verb3

 She has the room cleaned ------ present
(Dia meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan)

She had the room cleaned ------ past
(Dia meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan)

We had the room cleaned yesterday ------ past
(Kami meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan kemarin)

􀂷 Penggunaan have (have/has/had)
􀂷 Object pasif (the room) --- dikenai pekerjaan (yaitu dibersihkan)
􀂷 Untuk memudahkan penerjemahan, Verb3 setelah object,
    artikan di- / ter-

have + Obj + V1--- aktif (me-/ber-)
have + Obj + V3 --- pasif (di-/ter)

Bandingkan seandainya salah dalam menentukan Verb1 ataukah Verb3
􀂷 I have the room cleaned ------- benar
     (Saya meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan)

􀂷 I have the room clean ------ salah (tidak logis)
    (Saya meminta ruangan itu membersihkan)

Untuk Jenis Causative get, perbedaannya hanya di Object Aktif yaitu menggunakan to-Verb1
1. Object Aktif: Subj + get + Obj-aktif + to-Verb1
I get the man to clean the room.
(Saya meminta orang itu membersihkan ruangan)

2. Object Pasif: Sub + get + Obj-pasif + Verb3
I get the room cleaned
(Saya meminta ruangan itu dibersihkan)

Contoh Soal:
1. It is impossible for me to translate the book; so I had my assistant ______ it.
A. translate
B. to translate
C. translating
D. translated
Pembahasan: so I had my (jadi saya meminta asisten saya ..... buku itu). Cara Cepat, yang logis adalah menterjemahkan, berarti aktif, menggunakan Verb1 (translate).
Jawab: A

2. Dani : Your dress looks very nice. Did you make it yourself?
    Mia  : No, ______.
A. I had it make at the tailor
B. the tailor had me make it
C. I had the tailor made it
D.I had it made at the tailor

Pembahasan: Kata it maksudnya adalah your dress. Ingat, dalam causative Verb1
diartikan me-/ber-, Verb3 diartikan di-/ter-. (A) Saya meminta baju itu membuat dipenjahit. (B) Penjahit meminta saya membuat baju itu. (C) Saya meminta penjahit
dibuatkan baju itu. (D) Saya meminta baju itu dibuatkan di penjahit. Maka jawaban yang logis adalah (D).
Jawab: D

  “Have” dan “Have Got”
“Have dan Have Got”

have got / has got” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “have”. Dalam Bahasa
Indonesia sering diartikan: mempunyai, memiliki, mendapatkan, mengalami.

1. I have a new car = I have got a new car (I’ve got a new car)
2. She has a toothache = She has got a toothache (She’s got a toothache)

Kata have got / has got lebih sering dipakai dalam situasi informal, misalkan dalam
percakapan sehari-hari atau dialog di film.

Have dalam kalimat positif, negative dan interogatif:
a. (+) He has a new girlfriend
b. (-) He does not have a new girlfriend
c. (?) Does he have a new girlfriend ?
         Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.

Have got dalam kalimat positif, negative dan interogatif:
a. (+) He has got a new girlfriend (He’s got a new girlfriend)
b. (-) He has not got a new girlfriend (He hasn’t got a new girlfriend)
c. (?) Has he got a new girlfriend ?
         Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t. (Bukan= yes, he has got / No, he hasn’t got)

Bentuk have got tidak lazim digunakan / diubah ke tenses past (lampau). Untuk
tenses past, gunakan yang bentuk have tanpa got, dengan cara have diubah menjadi
‘had’. (Bukan= have got menjadi had got)

I have a headache (present) ……..> benar
I have got a headache (present) ……..> benar
I had a headache yesterday (past)…….> benar
I had got a headache yesterday (past) ……> salah / tidak lazim digunakan

 “Have to” dan “Have Got to”
“Has to dan Has Got to”

Kata “have got to/ has got to” memiliki arti yang sama dengan “have to” dan
“must”. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia sering diartikan: harus (obligation) atau pasti
Pola :
must / have to / have got to + Verb1

Contoh berarti “harus”:
Saya harus pergi sekarang =
1. I must go now
2. I have to go now
3. I have got to go now / I’ve got to go now

Contoh berarti “pasti”:
Dia pasti bercanda =
1. She must be joking (dia pasti bercanda)
2. She has to be joking
3. She has got to be joking / She’s got to be joking

Must dalam kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative
a. (+) He must learn English seriously
b. (-) He must not learn English seriously
c. (?) Must he learn English seriously?
         Yes, he must / No, he mustn’t.

Have to dalam kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative
a. (+) He has to learn English seriously
b. (-) He does not have to learn English seriously
c. (?) Does he have to learn English seriously?
         Yes, he does / No, he doesn’t.

Have got to dalam kalimat positive, negative dan interrogative
a. (+) He has got to learn English seriously
b. (-) He has not got to learn English seriously
a. (?) Has he got to learn English seriously?
         Yes, he has / No, he hasn’t.

(Kalimat Pengandaian)

Type 1 :
Future-Probable Condition (Kondisi yang mungkin terjadi di masa mendatang)

Pattern : If + Subj + V1, Subj + will +V1/inf
(Klausa-if: simple present, klausa akibat: present future)
Contoh :      If I have much money, I will buy a new car.
If he is here, I will give him money.

Type 2 :
Present – Unreal condition (Kondisi/fakta bertentangan dengan masa kini/ present).

Pattern : If + Subj + V2, Subj + would + V1/inf
(Klausa-if: simple past, klausa akibat: past future)
Contoh:        If I had much money, I would buy a new car.
If he were here, I would give him money.
Pola inversi: were he here, I would give him money.

Type 3 :
Past – unreal condition (Kondisi/fakta bertentangan dengan masa lampau / past).

Pattern : If + Subj + had + V3, Subj + would + have + V3
(Klausa-if: past perfect, klausa akibat: past perfect future)
Contoh :      If I had had much money, I would have bought a new car.
If he had been here, I would have given him money.
Pola inversi: had he been here, I would have given him money

Contoh soal:
1.      They…………..the trip if they had known she was sick.
a. had postponed                   c. will have postponed     
b. would have postponed        d. would postpone
Jawab: b (would have postponed)

2.     Katty ……….. you if she had your phone number.
a. will call                             c. called                          
b. would call                          d. would have called
Jawab: b (would call)

3.     Aisyah     : Will you come to the meeting?
Kirana     : I don’t know. I can’t make up my mind.
  What is the topic we’re going to talk about?
Aisyah     : Water supplies for our village. It’s interesting, isn’t it?
Kirana     : Okay then. I will come if it…….
a. doesn’t rain                       c. didn’t rain                    
b. isn’t raining                      d. hasn’t rained
Jawab: a (doesn’t rain)

4.     Had she found the right buyer, she …… the house.
a. would have sold                  c. will sell                        
b. would sell                          d. sold
Jawab: a (would have sold)

5.     ‘Had the company been fair in giving bonuses, the employees would not have gone strike.’
From the above sentence, we may conclude that……
a. the employees are still going on strike
b. the company gave the employees fair bonuses
c. the employees were not given bonuses at all
d. the employees were very dissatisfied
Jawab: d (the employees were very dissatisfied)

(ringkasan agar mudah menghafal)

1. If ______V1(s/es)______, ______ will V1
2. If _________V2 _______, _______ would V1
3. If _______ had V3_____, ________ would have V3

1. If she studies hard, she will pass the exam
2. If she studied hard, she would pass the exam
3. If she had studied hard, she would have passed the exam
(atau pola inversi: Had she studied hard, she would have passed the exam)

modal will, would, would have terkadang diganti dengan modal lain. Misal: can, could, could have, dst.


1.   Definition (Pengertian)
Kalimat Pasif yaitu kalimat yang ‘subjek-nya’ dikenai pekerjaan. Kalimat ini biasanya kata kerjanya diartikan “di” atau “ter”.

Contoh :        Aktif    : Ahmad cleans the room everyday.
  (Ahmad membersihkan ruangan itu setiap hari)
Pasif : The room is cleaned by Ahmad everyday
  (Ruangan itu dibersihkan Ahmad setiap hari.

2.   Basic pattern (Pola dasar)
Subj + to be + V3
Bentuk to be tergantung pada “Tenses” dan “Subjek”.
To be      : is, am, are ( present )
: was, were ( past )
: being (continuous )
: been ( perfect )
: be ( future / modal )
Aktif (me/ber) dan Pasif (di/ter)
Aktif : They clean the room everyday
Pasif  : The room is cleaned by them everyday

Aktif : They cleaned the room yesterday
Pasif  : The room was cleaned by them yesterday

Aktif : They are cleaning the room now
Pasif  : The room is being cleaned by them now

Aktif : They have cleaned the room
Pasif  : The room has been cleaned by them

Aktif : They will clean the room tomorrow
Pasif  : The room will be cleaned by them tomorrow

Aktif : They must clean the room
Pasif  : The room must be cleaned by them

Contoh soal :
1.      New products …… in the electronic exhibition in Jakarta Expo Centre a week ago.
a. display                    c. was displaying              
b. displayed                d. were displayed
Jawab: d (were displayed) : dipamerkan

 2.     We cannot swim in the swimming pool now, because it…………….now.
a. cleans            c. is being cleaned         
b. is cleaning     d. has cleaned
Jawab: c (is being cleaned) : sedang dibersihkan

3.     Geologists have explained the cause of earthquakes in terms of a theory………… plate tectonics.
a. knows            c. which knows                
b. knowing         d. known
Jawab: d (known) : diperpendek dari “which is known”=known : yang dikenal

4.     A : ‘What time will the delayed plane depart?’
B : ‘They say that it……………..soon.’
a. will announce            c. is to announced           
b. has announced         d. will be announced
Jawab: d (will be announced) : akan diumumkan

5.     A : ‘I’d like to reserve a single room for next week, please.’
B : ‘I’m sorry, Sir. Our hotel ………… until the end of this month.’
a. It is fully booked              c. is fully booked            
b. We booked                       d. booking it fully
Jawab: c (is fully booked) : dipesan (sudah penuh=fully). Kata ‘fully’ (ket. Penegas pada kalimat pasif, diletakkan setelah to be sebelum Verb3)


kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua klausa/kalimat).
Misalnya: that, who, whom, whose, which.

A.  Relative Pronouns Tunggal (satu kata)

Posisi yang digantikan
Benda (selain orang)

Who / that (yang)
Which / that
Whom / that (yang)
Which / that
Whose (yang …….nya)

Contoh cara membedakan penggunaan who – whom – whose – which
Who :
The woman who teaches English at the school is my best friend
(Perempuan yang mengajar Bahasa Inggris itu adalah teman baik saya)
Analisa: menggunakan who karena menggantikan the woman (orang). setelah ‘who’ ada verb/predikat (teach)

Whom :
I know the lady whom you love.
(Saya tahu perempuan yang kamu cintai itu)
Analisa: menggunakan whom karena menggantikan the lady (orang), sebagai object, maka setelah ‘whom’ bukan verb (tapi noun: you).

Whose :
We are helping the people whose houses were destroyed in the earthquake last month. (Kami sedang membantu orang-orang yang rumah-nya hancur pada gempa bumi bulan lalu)
Analisa: dari segi arti, ‘whose’ : yang……nya. Titik-titik diartikan dari Noun setelah whose. Jadi whose house dalam konteks ini diartikan: yang rumahnya.

I want to borrow the book which you bought two weeks ago.
(Saya ingin meminjam buku yang kamu beli dua minggu yang lalu itu)
Analisa: menggunakan which karena menggantikan the book (benda)

Contoh Soal :
1.      The candidates ______ have submitted their application letters will have to come for an interview.
a. who               b. whom                 c. which                 d. whose      
Perhatikan, ada kata-kata have submitted (predikat / verb, dalam bentuk have + V3), berarti yang dibutuhkan adalah kata ganti untuk Subject (who).
Pilihan B (whom) untuk object.
Pilihan C (which) untuk menggantikan benda ( padahal ‘candidates’ = calon-calon, adalah orang). D (whose) untuk kepunyaan (yang….nya). Sedangkan E (where), menghubungkan keterangan tempat.
JAWAB: A (who)

2.     This is the best picture of my mother ______ I have ever taken.
a. who      b. whom       c. where       d. which

Yang akan diganti dengan relative pronoun adalah ‘picture’ (benda – bukan manusia). Maka relative pronoun yang tepat adalah ‘which’.
JAWAB: d (which)

B.   Relative Pronouns Kombinasi/Gabungan
Misal: Preposisi + Relative Pronoun (to whom, in which, from which, dst)
Jika bertemu dengan soal berpola preposisi + relative pronoun, fokuskan pada noun yang akan digantikan oleh relative pronoun. Kemudian tentukan preposisi apa yang sebenarnya ikut di noun/klausa tersebut.

Perhatikan contoh berikut:
I know the woman. You are talking to her now.
I know the woman to whom you are talking now.
(Saya tahu perempuan yang kepada-nya kamu sedang berbicara sekarang)
Keterangan: her diganti dengan relative pronoun whom

The victims of flood are now housed outside the town. We have collected money for them.
The victims of flood for whom we have collected money are now housed outside
the town.
(Para korban banjir yang untuk merekalah kami mengumpulkan uang, sekarang dirumahkan diluar kota)

Keterangan: perhatikan object ‘them’. Ketika dua kalimat tersebut digabung, them (object manusia) digantikan dengan ‘whom’. Letak preposisi ‘for’, tetap sebelum ‘whom’.

Contoh soal:
1.      The lady ______ this letter is addressed has moved to another city.
a. who      b. to which   c. to whom    d. whom        
Kalimat tersebut jika diurai:
The lady has moved to another city. This letter is addressed to her.
Relative pronoun untuk menggantikan her (sebagai object--manusia) adalah
‘whom’. Karena sebelum her ada preposisi (to), maka diletakkan sebelum whom.

2.     This is the club ______ he is the president.
a. which   b. whom       c. of whom    d. of which
Kalimat tersebut jika diurai:
This is the club. He is the president of it.
Kata ‘it’ merupakan kt ganti object ‘the club’ (benda – bukan manusia), maka
relative pronoun-nya “which”. Pilihan jawaban yang ada ‘whom’, pasti salah,
karena ‘whom’ untuk object manusia.
Dari dua kalimat di atas kemudian digabung menjadi:
This is the club of which he is the president.

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